The Lady Or The Tiger Answer Key

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  • [FREE] The Lady Or The Tiger Answer Key | HOT!

    He used humor for illustrative purposes: "Many of his stories virtually cry out in stifled screams against the cozy suffocation of civilized conduct," said Henry Golemba in the Dictionary of Literary Biography. This section contains 3, words approx.
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    Plot summary[ edit ] The short story takes place in a land ruled by a "semi-barbaric" king. Some of the king's ideas are progressive, but others cause people to suffer. One of the king's innovations is the use of a public trial by ordeal as "an...
  • The Lady, Or The Tiger? Short Answer Test - Answer Key

    Instead of allowing him to see any available ladies, the king had him immediately taken to guest quarters and summoned attendants to prepare him for a wedding to be held the next day. One attendant introduced himself as the Discourager of Hesitancy and explained that his job was to ensure compliance with the king's will, through the subtle threat of the large "cimeter" scimitar he carried. At noon on the following day, the prince was blindfolded and brought before a priest, where a marriage ceremony was performed and he could feel and hear a lady standing next to him. Once the ceremony was complete, the blindfold was removed and he turned to find 40 ladies standing before him, one of whom was his new bride. If he did not correctly identify her, the Discourager would execute him on the spot. The prince narrowed the possibilities down to two, one lady smiling and one frowning, and made the correct choice. The kingdom official tells the five travelers that once they figure out which lady the prince had married, he will tell them the outcome of "The Lady, or the Tiger?
  • The Lady Or The Tiger?

    By other artists[ edit ] A play adaptation by Sydney Rosenfeld debuted at Wallack's Theatre in and ran for seven weeks. In addition to stretching out the story as long as possible to make it a play, at the end the choice was revealed to the audience: neither a lady nor a tiger, but an old hag. However, the king bases the prisoner's fate on intelligence and not luck by posting a statement on each door that can be true or false. The Lady, or the Tiger? Plath's sonnet, however, speaks of an age when the choice has become no longer relevant. Like the story, the song ends without a conclusion. The last line reads, "The hall remains, it still contains a pair of doors, a choice.
  • Lady Or The Tiger Test

    Behind one door, a muffled roar, behind the other, a voice. Over an intercom she taunts him with "Which will it be, Batman? The lady or the tiger? A man informs them that Homer Simpson is behind one of the two doors, and behind the other, a ferocious tiger. When both doors reveal a tiger inside, they are informed that one of the tigers is named Homer Simpson.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger Commonlit Assessment Answers

    He listened to the princess and opened the door on the right. What did the princess know about the lady behind one of the doors? The princess knew that the lady behind one of the doors was one of the fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court who had been selected as the reward for the accused youth. What question does the narrator ask at the end of the story? Supplement your lesson with one or more of these options and challenge students to compare and contrast the texts. A source is 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger? Answer

    When the young man was in the arena, the princess gestured for him to go to the door on the right, with her right hand. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. In the kingdom described in the story, what happens after a person is accused of a crime? The person is then put in an arena with two door, one with a beautiful lady and one with a man killing tiger. It looks like your browser needs an update. Report an issue. Wiki User. I made them myself. We've identified these texts as great options for text pairings based on similar themes, literary devices, topic, or writing style.
  • The Lady, Or The Tiger?

    Please, cut and paste these questions for use in the classroom. We'll come back to that. Questions and Answers - Discover the eNotes. All Rights Reserved. Start studying Lit.
  • Teacher's Guide - The Lady Or The Tiger

    I had only a passing familiarity with the story — I remembered it ended on a cliffhanger, and it was up to the reader to decide which ending was more likely. According to the preamble, the author had written a sequel, but it was similarly unsatisfying, which had led another author to, many decades later, write a sequel for Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine entitled "The Lady and the Tiger", which wrapped up the story in a satisfying fashion. I believe that Frank Stockton offered a solution to the readers who were desperate for any resolution, and he did it in a manner so brilliantly obscure that I could find no evidence that anyone has come across it. It's the Middle East, during the Middle Ages. A king lives by a simple rule — agree with him in all things. If someone commits an interesting enough crime, or even does something which displeases him, the king has announced that fate will decide their punishment.
  • Lady Or The Tiger Vocabulary

    He accomplishes this by placing them in an arena with a door at either end. Behind one is a woman who the king has decided will be a perfect match for the man; behind the other is a hungry tiger. The man on trial side note - this punishment is only for men — given the setting and era, women were likely considered property and legally incapable of committing 'crimes' must choose a door, and either be immediately killed by a tiger or married to a woman. The story revolves around a specific instance of this trial. The King's only daughter has been involved in a love affair with a minor noble — one too far below her station for it to be an appropriate match. This is a grievous crime, so the man is placed on trial. The princess doesn't want her lover to be eaten by a tiger, but she also doesn't want to see him with someone else — especially once she discovers that the woman he's been matched to is a courtly lady who already had her eyes set on the minor noble.
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    The princess discovers which door will have the tiger, and which will have the woman, and when the trial commences, the minor noble looks to her, and she directs him towards one of the doors. But which one did she send him to? There's no real evidence in the story to suggest which door the princess indicated — the story equally gives weight to her driving instincts, love and jealousy, meaning that the reader must bring their own beliefs and values to the story — transforming it into a kind of personality test. Because the princess is perched on the fence, ready to tip one way or the other, the reader provides the push in whatever direction their own instincts prefer. Most readers come away from the story with a good idea of what happens next, but it says more about their own character than it does the text.
  • 'The Lady, Or The Tiger?' By Frank R. Stockton

    The only way to figure out what the princess chose would be to know something about her character, but the text gives us nothing. However, that doesn't leave us at a dead end — if we can figure out what the king's character is, then perhaps we can figure out whether his daughter would bend more towards kindness or cruelty, selfishness or selflessness, because that's what's going to push her in one direction or the other. Which brings us to the king. Is he a fundamentally cruel man who enjoys watching people suffer as their fate is decided by little more than the flip of a coin, or a kind one who honestly believes that surrendering to fate is what's best for everyone?
  • The Lady Or The Tiger Essay

    I'm not saying that he isn't mad — it's obviously a crazy sort of trial to have constructed, but the thing we need to determine is what motivates him — does he take pleasure in cruelty, or does he consider himself an instrument of fate? The story is decidedly coy about this, unwilling to give up even the slightest clue. The closest thing we get to a hint is the fact that the King specifically selected a woman who was already in love with the minor noble to be his sentence, but even that could be an attempt to be cruel to his daughter, forcing her to watch someone else be happy with her lover.
  • The Lady, Or The Tiger? Short Essay - Answer Key

    It's noted in the text that when a man is put on trial his old life essentially ends. Even if he isn't killed by the tiger, if he was already married that wedding is set aside so that he can wed the woman the king has chosen. So even in the 'happy' option there's a chance that the king reveling in a kind of cruelty. The king's character is the key element here — if we can figure out what the king wants, we can figure out who he is as a person, what kind of culture he creates around himself, and yes, whether his daughter is fundamentally a kind or cruel person. Luckily, the story's sequel is almost entirely about the King's character, and is designed specifically to let the audience know how the first story turned out. Not that it seems that way on first glance. No, initially, the story seems to be a middle finger raised at all of the people who bothered Frank Stockton for a year, demanding to know what the ending to the Lady or the Tiger was. In the story's most brilliant and devious accomplishment it slaps the audience in the face for even asking for the solution, while giving them all the clues they need to figure it out, provided they can look past their initial frustration.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger? | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

    A group of ambassadors from a nearby country come to visit the Kingdom, and during their meeting with an Officer of the government, they mention that a countryman of theirs was in the arena's audience for the Minor Noble's trial, but was so overwhelmed by tension that he fled before discovering which door the man picked. Now the people of the neighbouring country want to know what happened to the man. The Officer offers them a deal — he'll tell them the true story of another one of the king's trials, and if they can tell him how it ended, he'll tell them which door was picked. They agree, and the story begins. In addition to his notably crazy ideas about justice, the King is famous through the region for the retinue of beautiful noblewomen who serve as ladies in waiting in his palace.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger- Argumentative Essay

    The most attractive and well-mannered women are selected from all over the Kingdom and brought to the palace to provide company for the king and his daughter. A prince from a neighbouring kingdom figures that this would be the perfect place to find a wife, so he petitions the king to allow him to marry one of the women. The king is vexed — either because he's not sure how fate wants this to turn out, or because he doesn't want to lose one of his prized attendants — so he crafts a new kind of trial. The Prince is dressed in wedding clothes, blindfolded, brought to a hall, and married to one of the women.
  • |The Lady Or The Tiger Argument – The Lady – RelaxationUtopia

    His blindfolds are removed, and he finds that all forty women are lined up in the room. The king gives him an ultimatum — pick out his wife, and they go in peace, happily ever after. Choose the wrong woman, and he'll immediately be executed. The Prince looks all of the women over, but has no clue which is his wife. So he looks them over again, but this time notices that one of them slightly smiles at him, and one of them slightly frowns. As the only two to make a reaction, one of them must be his wife — but which one? Running out of time, the prince chooses one, and the king congratulates him — he's chosen his wife, and everyone lives happily ever after! As the story ends, the five ambassadors are unable to come to a decision. Analysis: This ending at first seems designed to frustrate audiences. The characters who represent the readers who demanded an answer from Stockton find themselves posed with another unanswerable riddle instead of being satisfied. I don't believe frustrating his audience was Stockton's goal, however, because if it was, he wouldn't have told us that the Prince was successful, and that the story had a happy ending.
  • Lady Or The Tiger Answers

    If he wanted to frustrate us, he would have left us hanging. The first story ends asking the reader what they think happened, while this one ends with the challenge to the ambassadors to solve the puzzle. That change places the stories in completely different context, because one is a suggestion to reflect, and the other is a call to action. And because there's no answer written at the back of the book like in Encyclopedia Brown, the only way the solution to the first story could be contained in the second is if the solution to the second story told us something that changed the way we read the first one. Specifically, if it answered our questions about the king's character: What does he want, and what motivates him? A love of suffering or an adherence to fate? Fundamentally, is he cruel or is he kind? The Discourager of Hesitancy is an incredibly awkward title, one that's both hard to remember and tells you nothing about the story.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger

    Heck, 'Discourager' is barely even a real word. The author obviously had a sense for what made a good title, so why isn't this called 'the riddle of the 40 brides' or something along those lines? Feel free to check over this bibliography of his works - 'The Discourager of Hesitancy' is one of the strangest titles that he ever employed. So why call the story that? The answer is that the Discourager of Hesitancy is secretly the most important character in the story, because his very existence gives the reader the insight they need into the king's character to solve both stories. His presence in the story provides the concrete proof readers require. So, who is the Discourager of Hesitancy?
  • The Lady Or The Tiger? Quotes | Explanations With Page Numbers | LitCharts

    He's a palace guardsman who wields a scimitar. The story explains that above everything else the king values people agreeing with him, and it's the Discourager's job to stand behind important people at key moments and remind them of the consequences of not being on the same page as the king — immediate execution. Not that he has to kill many people — simply stating his catchphrase 'I am here' is enough to get people on board. The Discourager reminds the prince of his presence twice in the story. The first is to convince the Prince to take part in the blindfolded marriage ceremony.
  • Commonlit Answer Key In Lady Or The Tiger Results For Websites Listing

    The second is when the King wonders why it's taking the Prince so long to pick out his bride from the forty women. These are key moments, and by personifying the King's will as the Discourager, rather than just having unnamed guards as a source of threat, they let the audience know just how important the moments are. So let's consider the situation the Prince is in — one woman has smiled at him, the other has frowned.
  • "The Lady Or The Tiger" Questions

    Knowing that his life depends on making the right decision, his mind races, trying to figure out what the expressions could possibly mean. So what did they mean? A smile means come closer, a frown means go away. The king chooses everyone close to him based on their agreement with his worldview. So are the ladies in waiting cruel or are they kind? Is the woman smiling because she believes the king has found a perfect match for her, or because she's anticipating the gory spectacle of seeing the Prince beheaded in front of her? This is what races through the Prince's mind, and it's his lowest moment in the story. This is what's important, because what happens next lets us know everything we need to about the King's character. If the king were cruel, he would relish the panic that the Prince is suffering, he would enjoy watching him run back and forth in a panicked state, growing increasingly harried. If he were a kind man, who truly believed in fate, he would simply want the trial to end, one way or the other.
  • The Lady, Or The Tiger? | Literature Quiz - Quizizz

    Because that's what the king wants. He doesn't want suffering, he doesn't want hesitation, he doesn't want agony. He wants a snap decision. He wants instinct and fate to win out. A frown is a reproach to a tardy advance. A smile…….. He knows what these expressions mean — a smile means come closer, a frown means go away. The Discourager is there to remind him to commit, to trust instincts. To not hesitate. So of course he chose the woman who smiled. How could he do anything else? There's no reason for the Discourager of Hesitancy to be in the story other than for this moment, to tell the audience that the Prince went with his gut, and that this is what the king wanted to happen.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger Selection Test Answer Key Pdf

    And as the officer tells us, he made the right choice, and bells rung out to celebrate the marriage, and the whole city cheered.
  • The Lady, Or The Tiger? Short Essay - Answer Key |

    It finishes not with a conclusion, but with a question. Such an ending is unusual enough and thought-provoking enough to spark much controversy and debate. An answer to this infinitely perplexing question is presented here, along with validating information. First of all, we will establish a clear understanding of the tale and its details. One of these was a system of punishment: Whenever a man was convicted of an important crime, he was placed in an arena in which there were two doors. Behind one door was a beautiful lady that the man would end up marrying. Behind the second door was a ferocious tiger that would spring upon him and devour him. One day, the king discovered that his beloved daughter had fallen in love with and was seeing a lowly courtier. The king decided to punish the courtier using his double-doored method. The princess, who was semi-barbaric and passionate like her father, had seen the beautiful lady that her lover might get to marry and was very jealous of her; the lady was extremely beautiful and had been seen talking to the courtier on the occasion.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger? Essay Questions

    The princess had also imagined the courtier being torn about by the tiger; this was a highly unpleasant thing to consider, as well. When the fateful day arrived, the courtier walked up to the doors. A crowd of hundreds of people watched expectantly. Amidst the tension, the courtier glanced up at the princess. The princess made a motion with her right hand; the courtier was the only one who saw this, but there was a clear message in the action: Pick the door on the right. Some time before the ceremony, the princess had used the strength of her will and lots of gold to find out which door led to the lady, and which to the tiger. After she had obtained the answer, she was consumed day and night by her worries. She finally came to a conclusion and selected a door.
  • Commonlit Answer Key In Lady Or The Tiger Results

    The end question is this: Did the door the princess indicated conceal the lady, or the tiger? There are several reasons for which the tiger would be the most appropriate choice in this context. First of all, if the princess chose the lady, she would suffer every time she saw her lover and the lady together. There would be an active reminder of her choice that would torture her constantly. However, if the lady selected the tiger, it would all be over with quickly. Instead of the active reminder, there would be a passive absence that would heal over time. If she is partially barbaric, watching the death of her lover would not faze her as it might faze others; she would be habituated to blood and gore. In addition, if she is like her father in the way of wanting to be fair and just, it would make it more likely that she would pick the tiger; after all, her lover is guilty of the crime described.
  • "The Lady Or The Tiger?" - Crossword Clue

    To elaborate on this point, consider this: If the princess truly loved the man convicted, why did she have such a difficult dilemma over the lady and the tiger? If her love was true, it should have trumped all else. The moral dilemma shows that her love was not as strong as we could imagine. Therefore, she would be more likely to choose the tiger to support the moral beliefs she shares with her father. Lastly, there are several hints in the story that suggest the princess will select the tiger. How in her grievous reveries had she gnashed her teeth, and torn her hair, when she saw his start of rapturous delight as he opened the door of the lady!
  • The Lady Or The Tiger- Argumentative Essay

    How her soul had burned in agony when she had seen him rush to meet that woman, with her flushing cheek and sparkling eye of triumph; when she had seen him lead her forth, … followed by the tremendous shouts of the hilarious multitude, in which her one despairing shriek was lost and drowned! On a more subtle note, the princess indicates the right door. As with all claims, there are arguments that can be conceived against them. Why should she be so jealous? But since there will be no constant reminder of him, her memories of him will fade over time, and her pain will automatically be lessened; after all, time heals all wounds. However, like I stated before, if the princess sees the lady and her ex-lover together, the memory of him will remain fresh, making it harder for her to cope. In response to the second claim, one can argue that jealousy is possible even without true love. Plus, the princess might not just be jealous of the lady for having the person she lost.
  • Teaching The Lady, Or The Tiger?

    She might also be jealous of her ex-lover for getting to be happy and in love while she is alone and confused. Any conclusion that can be drawn from this piece is not to be taken lightly. The choice is clear: The tiger was behind the door. Share this:.
  • The Lady Or The Tiger? Answer

    Noticias e Comunicados »» The lady or the tiger essay Something like the amazing short story and application, and answering text-dependent questions. Jul 29, animation or the confederate states with william blake's 'the garden of texas and download or the tiger an entrepreneur. Buzzle helps you are useful model essay on photobucket having an alternative version l histoire du tigre de papier french parents have all this. Other door leads to explanations of so the death. Her worst nightmares about lord shiva - scientific documents. Http: annalise gant Jane smith, fl.


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